This was such a wonderful experience! I’m so glad that Val Kavanaugh and Sue Frost trusted me with Lillian Hellman.
Here’s the Nippertown interview that Patrick White was kind enough to do with me. And a little snippet on what the audience got to see onstage: “Who do you play in “Little Wars” and what do they do? I play the playwright, screenwriter, and memoirist, Lillian Hellman. As far as what she does on stage, I don’t want to ruin it, but she was known historically for being a Difficult Woman….”

And we got very nice reviews:
- “Tayna Gorlow is the biting Lillian Hellman, the perfect foil for Gertrude Stein. The two clearly had nothing but disdain for one another. Hellman perhaps has the greatest character turn around by the play’s end and Gorlow’s performance takes a magical ride to get there.” – Bill Kellert, Nippertown, 4/15/2024
- “It’s endlessly entertaining to watch her butt heads with Tanya Gorlow as Lillian Hellman, who manages at different moments to be bitterly cold and surprisingly heartwarming, like a close family member you can’t seem to get along with but still love just the same.” – Dan Mayer, Berkshire On Stage, 4/19/2024
- I should have captured some of the audience feedback, but you’ll just have to take my word for it that it was lovely.
And some more photos from the amazing jrMac Studios!

photo credit: jrMac Studios

photo credit: jrMac Studios

photo credit: jrMac Studios