“Conceived by actor/producer Kelvin Keragan, who hosted the eerie festivities as Dr. Betterov-Underhill, these ghost stories were consistently intriguing. Tanya Gorlow’s rendition of “The Tell Tale Heart” was particularly gripping, performed in a sold-out cabaret space just off the lobby.” – Patrick White, Nippertown
Shooting with Stephanie was an absolute dream. Andie Sleeman did my makeup and was equally as dreamy. Amy Moon cuts my hair and I love her so much. You can find her on Instagram at @stylebymoon7. I’m so grateful to these wonderful women for making me feel beautiful and safe during a really strange time.
All photos credit The Odyssey Theatre Ensemble
Los Angeles Times – Best of 2019 – the Odyssey’s ‘Fefu’ was included with national productions, including 2019 multiple (8) Tony winner ‘Hadestown’ at Broadway’s Walter Kerr Theatre
Los Angeles Times review – “…moving work from…Gorlow’s level-headed Cindy…contributes to the depth of feeling.”
New York Times Mention – “‘Fefu’ remains a campus favorite and regional productions turn up, like a well-received production this past summer at Los Angeles’s Odyssey Theater, but they’re rare.”
All photos credit Method and Madness
When I dropped Physics as my major at UC Berkeley, I had to call and tell my dad. My father actually worked in the Lawrence Berkeley Lab in the Physics Department when I was a toddler and it was a hard call for me to make; not only was I telling him that I was dropping Physics, I was admitting that I was going to major in Theatre instead.
His response was: “Well, sweetie, there’s no better preparation for life.” And that is why my dad is awesome.
He flew from Miami to see my first play at Berkeley…and brought his posse. All of these gentlemen have known me since I was in diapers. And yes, I have braces.
My friend, Chris, had me test ride and review a motorcycle for his blog: ManJr. I could say a lot about the experience, but here it is in a nutshell: it was awesome, I learned a lot about myself (totally not kidding), and I want to do it again. Seriously. If you have a scooter rusting in your backyard and you want me to come over, ride it, and review it, I’m your girl.
Guess what I did this week! I got to meet Dallas Travers in person! A long time member of the Thriving Artist Circle online and a huge fan of her approach to marketing, I was totally starstruck!
If you want to learn more about this incredible lady, check out the Thriving Artist Circle!
I also got to see my friend’s too-cute-for-words daughter in Peter Pan and was reminded of how wonderful it is to get to be on stage at a young age and explore a character. “That’s right, Peter! We’ll never grow up!”
It’s finally here! The new tanyagorlow.com website has launched (welcome!) and there are a couple people who need thanks. Omid Mousaei at Mad Mind Studios was the creative force and genius behind the design and implementation. His hard work and flexibility are admirable.
Jack Waterlot took the gorgeous photos that helped guide the look and feel of the site. Shooting with him was an incredible pleasure and I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity.
Dana Patrick was the brilliant photographer who took my headshots, which are propelling me into casting offices at an almost alarming rate. She’s also incredibly charming to boot. Thank you all you awesome artists for all of your contributions to the site!